Thursday, September 18, 2014

Stampin' Fun!

A little of this and a little of that and a crazy fun husband just goes to show you that stamping with Simply Shannon is fun month after month!  These pics are from my "Over 40 'Winers' Club!"  (I think a couple of us are under 40, but I will let you guess who!)  We have a lot of fun and someone new earns hostess benefits every month!  We all share and learn from each other!  We would love for you to join us!

Sending Stampin' Smiles,
Simply Shannon


  1. So fun! Looking forward to next month ladies!

  2. So nice to be part of such a fun group of ladies. Looking forward to the next time!

  3. Stacy Atchison and Marcy Jankowski-you are winners of blog candy! Add your favorite stampin' pad that you don't already have to your next order and it is on me!


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